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Artist: SINE
Album: Hold on (Single)



Today we are releasing the new single “Hold On”, the new organic chill track by SINE with a hint of Lo-Fi. “Hold On” is available in all well-known download stores and streaming services.

There are things you cannot change. Things you’ll just have to endure – even when your impulse is striving for something different. “Hold On” describes that situation of holding on (and also holding out).

Time is dragging, words trail away and the colors blur. You hover between wistfulness and confidence, always hoping that soon it will be over and there is a positive change awaiting at the end. The clocks are ticking more slowly than before, and you want to make them go faster. “Hold On” is about engaging with the current situation, to accept an unmeant change and take it in a positive way.

SINE produced “Hold On” without any computer software, solely with an Akai MPC X, bass, guitar and an analogue synthesizer. No quantizing, not a single note “pimped” afterwards, so that the track sounds as organic and vivid as possible.

The cover photo of “Hold On” is by SINE and with SINE himself: a picture of him gazing at the ocean, thoughtful, yet hopeful.



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