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Artist: Sferix
Album: Passion EP



On May 6th, 2022 Sine Music will be releasing SFERIX’s new EP “Passion”. The EP contains five tracks and will be available in all well-known download stores and streaming services.

SFERIX is back after his first release in 2020 (“Take Me Home”). With his new EP “Passion” he creates a well-crafted blend of chillout, drum ’n’ bass and upbeat tracks.

“Every day is full of new impressions. Whether within yourself or in your environment. These impressions become inspiration. And inspiration transforms into the passion for music. That’s how I came up with the EP name ‘Passion’”, SFERIX says. He produced the entire EP in his home studio in Bavaria, Germany. “Passion” offers many different genre attributes and moods. “Don’t Walk Away” is the opening track on the EP and tells a very personal detail of SFERIX’s life, when his father was seriously ill, and the feelings were in turmoil. The song mirrors the emotional depth of that difficult time. The beginning of the chorus sounds measured until a faster, hopeful beat evolves and then disappears again in the wide spheres of synthesizers.

“I Miss You” is a thoughtful reflection upon getting older. Having reached midlife, still being able to dance, to party, to enjoy life still might leave you with a craving for the old days, when you were young. This drum ‘n’ bass banger has two sides: a driving youthful energy and yet sweet melancholy.

“Go Slow” is SFERIX’s invitation for you to detox. When you always need to be available and everybody wants your attention, “Go Slow” will bring back the peace of mind and calm your heartbeat with its warm atmosphere.

“Solaris” brings light, joy and solidarity into your life. The song is dedicated to SFERIX’s wife, who keeps the family together and whose nick name is “Sunny”. The wonderfully floating synthesizer melodies will bring the sun to you, no matter where you are.

“Forward” is an ode to hope. Driving dance beats and measured melodies give you the power to always go forward, especially in these turbulent times. “Forward” shall lead you through a tunnel of sound that will turn out to be bright and powerful at the end.

All the songs on “Passion” are glued together through the personal story behind every song. SFERIX made them relatable and uplifting.


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