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Artist: Polished Chrome
Album: Gefühle (Single)



On January, 20th 2023 Sine Music will be releasing the new single „Gefühle“ by Polished Chrome. The single will be available at all known download and streaming services.

It was time to break down the genre boundaries. Although the Polished Chrome sound has always been independent and constantly evolving, this time it’s something special. The last songs „Too Slow“, „Thank You“ and „Wasting“ already had many vocals from guest singers. They are groovy pop songs that could be played on mainstream radio.

But with the new single „Gefühle“ (German for „feelings“) you can tell from the title that this is something entirely new. This time Polished Chrome put himself in front of the vocal mic to deliver his message. „When I sat down to write this song, I knew from the beginning what I wanted it to sound like. I wrote the lyrics along with the melody and the choice of sounds. I had a picture in my head, a feeling of how the song should be. As if the finished song was already there and just needed to be uncovered from all the variety of possibilities,“ says Polished Chrome.

The lyrics are about what happens every day. In small things and in big things. To become aware of what is really important. At the same time, Polished Chrome wants to keep this awareness in mind itself, to perceive it as such. In a few words he conveys depth and meaningfulness, plays with idioms, breaks them up to put them back together in a new sense.

„Gefühle“ is a journey into new waters – musically and lyrically. Unmistakable is the mixture of danceable, but also dreamy synthesizer sounds. Typical Polished Chrome, only this time quite different.



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