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Artist: Electrix & Thomas Lemmer
Album: Signal (Single)



Eric Horstmann, also known as Electrix, and Thomas Lemmer have joined forces to create the captivating track, “Signal.” The single  is out now and also available in Dolby Atmos on Apple Music, Amazon, and Tidal. 

Having cultivated a longstanding partnership, Thomas Lemmer and Eric Horstmann have been integral members of the Sine Music family for some time. Eric, recognized as one of Germany’s foremost Dolby Atmos mixers, boasts an impressive portfolio, having lent his expertise to projects for renowned artists such as Robin Schulz, Niklas Paschburg, Shirin David, Rodriguez Jr., Moderat, SINE, and many more. With an extensive background in Dolby Atmos mixing, Eric’s proficiency is unmatched.

Their musical synergy was first showcased on Thomas Lemmer’s albums “HOPE” and the collaborative effort “ONE VISION” with Oine. Inspired by their shared creative vision, the duo decided to embark on a new venture together. “Signal” not only reflects Electrix’s artistic expression but also serves as a testament to the boundless creativity that emerges when seasoned producers unite.

While “Signal” is best experienced in Dolby Atmos on platforms like Apple Music, Amazon Music, and Tidal, the stereo version offers an equally immersive and powerful auditory experience. With Thomas Lemmer’s masterful piano melodies setting the tone, and Electrix orchestrating every aspect of production and composition, listeners are invited on an emotive yet tranquil journey through a realm of captivating sounds.

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